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The Full Story

We are a group of students who have come together to improve UChicago undergraduate's access to resources in the behavioral sciences. We are committed to ensuring we use behavioral learnings to improve campus life and leveraging the resources of our partners to expose our members to careers they can follow in the space.

Most importantly, we prioritize creating an inclusive, collaborative community that works together to enjoy the field of behavioral economics! 

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Our club aims to help students find professional opportunities in the fields of behavioral economics and behavioral science broadly. We believe that opportunities to pursue behavioral economics professionally are harder for students to find- specifically in comparison to consulting, finance, and tech-  a problem we aim to fix.

We partner with UChicago's Career Advancement to host information sessions with a variety of behavioral science firms in industries like consulting, finance, marketing, research, and NGOs. We also host expert talks and organize a sponsored consulting contest every year.

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Expert Talks and Educational Program

We have multiple speaker events planned every quarter to expose us to different areas in Behavioral science. We have hosted Nobel Laureate Professor Richard Thaler amongst other distinguished guests and will continue doing so throughout the year.

Professional Development

Behavioral Sciences is a developing field with opportunities that are not as standardized as in other fields such as consulting, finance and tech. To bridge this gap, we have partnered with UChicago's Careers in Behavioral Science Department. We contact and set-up information sessions with firms to ensure our members are aware of the opportunities they have in this space.

Experiential Opportunities

We aim to expose our club members to behavioral science concepts in real life by organizing an annual behavioral science consulting contest sponsored by a leading firm in the space.

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